基本说明产品描述: 产品名称:血糖仪试纸连接器 产品尺寸:12.38×11.3×3.35mm 产品性能:14P 试纸连接器 带推柄 生产厂家:品赞/G-Switch 产品型号:SK-0008S00 产品寿命:10,000次 基本参数: 额定负荷 Rating :DC16V 0.3A 接触电阻 Contact Resistance :50mΩMAX 绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance: 100MΩMIN 适用温度 Ambient Temper.Used: -25 ℃ to 85 ℃ 耐高压 Withstand Voltage :AC 500V(50-60HZ) 1min 适用湿度 Ambient Humidety Used :85% RH 焊接温度 Soldering Temper :265±5°10s 插拔力 Operating Force: 3-30N尺寸图规格参数 文件编号 DOC NO.: 版本 VERSION: 编写日期 DATE: 编写 WRTN: 审核 CHKD.: 批准 APPO.: GWS-023 A 2010.10.27 MODEL TYPE: MEDICAL TREATMENT CONNECTOR 李海鸥 产品类型: PART NO.: 产品编号: 1. SCOPE 适用范围 This specification covers the performance, tests and quality requirements for “MEDICAL TREATMENT CONNECTOR ”。 本产品规范包涵了 “MEDICAL TREATMENT CONNECTOR ” 的性能、测试和品质要求。 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 使用说明 In the event of conflict between the requirements of the specification and product drawing, the product drawing shall take precedence, In the event of conflict between the requirements of the specification and the referenced documents, the specification shall take precedence. 如果产品规范和产品图发生冲突时,以产品图为准;如果产品规范和相关参考文件发生冲突时,以产品规范为准。 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 产品描述 3.1 Design And Construction 设计和结构 Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specified on the applicable product drawing. 产品需符合产品图面规定的设计,结构和尺寸要求。 3.2 Material and Plating 材料和电镀 Refer to respective Getwell product drawings for information on materials, plating and marking; Solder component shall meet lead-free soldering requirements and the connectors shall be RoHS compliant. 相关的材料,电镀等信息请参照皓威的产品图面;焊接件需满足无铅焊接要求,产品需符合RoHS标准。 4. REQUIREMENTS 必要条件 4.1 Rating 额定值 Rated Voltage (Max) 额定电压:30V DC Rated Current (Max) 额定电流:0.5A Operating Temperature Range 工作温度范围:-20~+80℃ Operating Humidity Range 工作湿度范围:95%H.R.Max. Standard test conditions shall be 5 to 35℃ in temperature and 45 to 85% in humidity and 86kPa to 106kPa air pressure. 在温度为 5~35℃,湿度45~85%,86kPa~106kPa 大气压强的标准状态下进行实验测试。 4.2 Performance and Test description 功能及测试条件描述 The connectors shall be designed to meet the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements specified as belows. 产品的设计应满足如下电气,机械,及环境特性需求。 5. TEST REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES SUMMARY 测试要求和程序概要 NO. Test items 项目 Requirments 规格要求 Condition and Test method 条件和测试方法 5-1 Examination of product 外观检查 No physical damage 无明显的物理损坏 EIA-364-18A. Visual inspection. 目视检查。 PAGE 1 OF 4(*1页,共4页) NO. Test items 项目 Requirments 规格要求 Condition and Test method 条件和测试方法 Electronical characteristic 电气性能 5-2 Contact resistance 接触阻抗 100mΩ Max. 100毫欧以下。 EIA 364-23A Subject mated contacts assembled in housing to be measured at 1KHz, 20mV Max. open circuit at 100 mA Max. by contact resistance meter. 将端子组装在塑胶体中,用阻抗仪器在1KHz, 较大20mV的开路电压和100mA的电流条件下进行测量。 5-3 Insulation resistance 绝缘阻抗 100MΩ Min.. 100兆欧以上。 EIA 364-21B Insert plug gauge into the specimen, apply 300V DC for 1 minute between adjacent terminals. 样品插入插头,对相邻端子之间加 300V DC,并持续1分钟进行测量。 5-4 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 耐电压 No flashover or insulation breakdown 无跳火或绝缘体击穿现象。 EIA 364-20A Apply 300V AC (50Hz or 60 Hz) between adjacent terminals or ground for 1 minute. 在相邻端子之间之间加 300V AC (50Hz or 60 Hz),并持续1分钟。 Mechanical characteristic 机械性能 5-5 Insertion and extraction force 插入&拔出力 Insertion force: 插入力度:0.25N-5N Extraction force: 拔出力度:0.25N-5N EIA 364-13A Insertion and extraction force shall be measured after inserting and withdrawing 3 times by using a plug gauge, and then measure the insertion and extraction force. Mating/unmating at a rate of 12.5mm per minute. 用插头插拔3次后,测量其插入和拔出的作用力。插入或拨出速度为每分钟12.5mm。 5-6 Durability 插拔耐久 (1) Appearance: No breakdown; (2) Insertion & extraction force and Electrical characteristic shall be satisfied. (3)Contact resistance:150mΩ Max (1) 外观无损坏; (2) 插拔力和电性能安全。 (3)接触电阻:150毫欧以下 EIA 364-09B Inserting and withdrawing up to 100000 cycles repeatedly at the rated of between 15 and 18 cycles per minute. 每分钟插拨15次至18次,重复插拨100000次以上。 Enviromental characteristic 环境性能 5-7 Solder-ability 可焊性 (1) Above 95% of immersed area show no voids or pin holes (1)粘锡面积至少95%以上 EIA 364-52 Dip solder-tails in flux then immerse in bath at 245±5℃ up to 0.5mm from the bottom of the housing for 4~5s 将锡脚浸到熔炉焊剂当中,温度为245±5℃,浸入 深度至少0.5mm,时间4~5秒 PAGE 2 OF 4(*2页,共4页) NO. Test items 项目 Requirments 规格要求 Condition and Test method 条件和测试方法 5-8 Resistance to soldering heat 耐焊锡性热 (1)Without any deformation of case or excessive losseness of the pins.Electrical characteristics shall be satisfied (1)外观无变形,端子无松 动,并满足电气特性需求 Solder bath method锡炉焊锡方法: Solder temperature焊锡温度:260±5℃ Immersion time浸炉时间:10±1s Solder iron method手工烙铁焊锡方法: Solder temperature焊锡温度:350±10℃ Immersion time焊锡时间:3±1s Excessive pressure shall not be applied to the terminal不能有额外的压力施加于端子上 5-9 Resistance to heat 耐热 (1) Contact resistance: 150 mΩ Max (2) Insulation resistance: 50 MΩ Min. (3)Withstand voltage500V AC(50Hz or 60Hz) (4)There shall be no sign of damage mechanically and electrically. (1)接触电阻:150毫欧以下 (2)绝缘阻抗:50兆欧以上 (3)耐电压:AC 500 (4)无击穿现象及任何迹象显示机械及电气性能损坏。 EIA 364-17B 80±2℃ for 96 hours, test after keeping in normal condition for 30 minutes. 在80±2℃环境中放96小时,再放在正常环境中,30分钟后进行测试。 5-10 Humidity test 恒温恒湿 EIA 364-31 40±2℃ 90-95%RH for 96 hours, test after keeping in normal condition for 30 min. 在40±2℃ 90-95%RH 环境中放96小时,再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试。 5-11 Resistance to cold 耐冷 EIA 364-17B At -20±2℃ for 96 hours, test after keeping in normal condition for 30 min. 在-20±2℃环境中放96小时再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试。 5-12 Salt spray 盐水喷雾 (1)Appearance:No noticeable rust and other physical damage (2)Contact resistance:50mΩ Max (1)外观:无明显锈迹及其它的物理损坏 (2)接触电阻:150mΩ较大 EIA 364-26 Mate plugs and expose to the following sal mist conditions.Upon completion of the exposure period,salt deposits shall be removed by a gentle wash or dip in running water,after which the specified measurements shall be performed.将公头插入并暴露于下面盐雾条件,这个过程完成后,沉积的盐粒要用软刷刷掉,并用流水冲洗干净,这些完成后,才能做相关*的测试 NaCl solution氯化钠熔液 Concentration浓度:5±1% Spray time喷雾时间:24H Ambient temperature周围温度:35±2℃ PAGE 3 OF 4(*3页,共4页) NO. Test items 项目 Requirments 规格要求 Condition and Test method 条件和测试方法 5-13 Resistance to Reflow Soldering Heat 耐回流焊热 (1) Tested housing shall show no evidence oflosseness of deformation or fusion of housing and no physical damage. (1) 测试塑胶无变形,熔化 Pre-Heat 预热150~170°C: 60~120sec Heat加热220+/-10°C: 60sec. Min. Heat Peak 峰值260+/-5°C: 10sec. Max. (See FIG 1.) 东莞品电子科技有限公司开发、设计、生产:血糖仪试纸连接器5P、试纸接口连接器4P、9P试纸连接器、8P试纸连接器、7P试纸连接器等血糖仪试纸连接器。